The Amazing Ske. Historia del Graffiti en Puerto Rico narrada por un pionero.
$ 39.99The Amazing Ske. Historia del Graffiti en Puerto Rico. 10¨ x 10¨ 2021. SkeRem Prodructions
Edgardo Larregui
$ 600.00Plato de mesa y Protección. "Dinner plate and Protection." Taxidermy of a Cayman Crocodile 4’ long-2014
Raul Esteras, Green Balance
$ 1,200.00Raùl Esterás Acrylic, Metal on Wood 13” x 11” - 2019
Edgardo Larregui
$ 3,500.00Chemtrail Acrylic painting, Reflective Material On Hot Dog Car Aluminum Panel 3' x 3' - 2015
Melvin Martinez
$ 3,500.00It's All About Me. Books together, Nails, Sealer 14" x 7" x 11"- 2015
Bobby Cruz, Uiiiiii
$ 3,500.00Uiiiiii Neon Light 8" x 15'- 2020. Serie of 3. Available 2.
Radames “Juni” Figueroa
$ 5,000.00Rompiendo en Frio. "Breaking Cold." A/C, Plants, Tshirts and Grafic on paper. 15” x 20” -2015
Terrence Musekiwa, Chinyoka muvhu 14, 2022
$ 5,000.00Terrence Musekiwa Chinyoka muvhu 14, 2022 Golf club head, rubber pipe, iron wire, brass nails, glass beads 40 x 28 x 74 cm,
Omar Velazquez
$ 5,500.00Autopista hacia el sur (Despues de Myrna). "Highway to the South" Aluminum Panel, Acrylic Paint, Mix Media 36” x 36” -2014
Rafael Vargas Bernard, Toca Periodico
$ 5,500.00Rafael Vargas Bernard Toca Periodico(News paper player) Old school diac player, news paper on disc.
Jorge Rito Cordero, Calaneto
$ 6,000.00Jorge Rito Cordero Calaneto mix mexia on skateboard 6’ x 5’ - 2019
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