Meet One of Our Electronic Music Booking Agent

Frank Lara

Frank Lara is the most prolific DJ Booking agent in the island of Puerto Rico. Without him we would stand less of a chance of being able to see our favorite international DJ at our local night venues, events or festival. He is the one to go to if you are a Puerto Rican or International producing DJ or Musician searching for a gig or any electronic music event or idea.  Lara is the creator of Nightology and creates and implements innovative and diversified non-traditional marketing campaigns for a variety of companies offering services, media groups, international artists bookings, sales tickets & more. Lara has focus more his booking on Deep House, House Music and Tecno.


Frank Lara

His bookings are responsible in connecting the Puerto Rico Growing Electronic Scene with the whole world. Lara has book DJ’s like: Dixon, Benoit & Sergio, Wolf + Lamb, Guy Gerber, M.A.N.D.Y., Gaiser, The Martinez Brother, Art Department,  DJ T, Fur Coat and many more it’s been more then 10 year of experience he have put in their dream and career. He is responsible in bringing to the island and creating a cultural connection between both, International and Local DJ united by one purpose, one music, one rhythm. The most important part is that these two bookers never have left out our local producing DJ’s and Musician in any nightclub, festival or event they are involve they always take care of our local one’s, here is were the local ones open or close the set for the International producing DJ without living the island.

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Guy Gerber & Frank Lara


Electronic music is one of the most popular music genres of our times worldwide. It’s much more than music to dance and free yourself from stress and your daily worries, people gather around the world in music festivals to enjoy of the great beats, but there is so much more behind electronic music. It can bring benefits to your health and mind and these music lover understand it.



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